Tuesday, 10 June 2014


Today I'm officially 13 weeks pregnant. In a weird way, I've totally missed out half of week 12 because my due date has been put forward 3 days from what it was originally. I'm getting quite a belly...I say belly and not bump because it is mostly still a squidgy lump of fat, but I'm fairly confident there's a bump somewhere underneath it, as I certainly wasn't quite this distended before hand.

I'm feeling less and less nauseous, though I have had some mean headaches this past week. I'm not sure if it's pregnancy related or not, it could be the super hot humid weather we've been experiencing. It's been positively balmy here of late, so delicious. The only downside is that it has zapped me of any energy I may once have had, and I am now like a sloth in everything I do. I worked today and to say it was a struggle would be putting it mildly. The house I work in is over four floors and going from bottom to top or even ground to top in one go killed me on more than one occasion. Who knew you could die so many times in one day? That's science, people.

I've been listening into santa's little helper every few days with my doppler and we had our 12 week scan last Thursday! It went great, all looks well, and they put my due date forward by an extra day. To be honest I'm fairly sure of my dates so I think it's just going to be another whopper of a baby. Beau was 9lbs 7oz. Lets start placing bets on how big this one is going to be...12lbs anyone?? That might put pay to my dreams of a natural, (mostly) pain relief-free birth huh!
While we were having the scan, once I knew everything was ok, I cheekily asked the sonographer if she believes in the nub theory (if you don't know what that is, look it up) and she said that off the record, yes she does, and she agreed to have  a little look for us. Based on the angle of the dangle right now, she guessed that we're having another boy.  We'll see how accurate that is at the 20 week scan I suppose!

Anyway, that's all from me for now, I'm off to sleepyville xx


  1. Exciting! Did you have a natural birth with Beau? I'm getting nervous about the birth.

    1. Well it was natural in the sense I had no intervention to get him out but I did have an epidural. Unfortunately it came out so I did the pushing stage with just gas and air. Don't be nervous about it though! By the time you go into labour you'll just be so excited to meet your bubba, I'm sure it's mostly adrenaline that gets you through! What will be will be, and although it hurt like hell it was one of the best things I've ever done and I'd do it again in a heartbeat :o) x
