(very slowly picking me apart...) Aaah you gotta love a bit of Stevie Wonder on a Tuesday morning...or a Wednesday, or any day in fact. My name is Katie and I love Stevie Wonder, there I said it. Who doesn't? On a somewhat serious note, if you answered that question "Me, I don't" then this probably isn't the blog for you. I'm probably not "your people" you know? No hard feelings...
Lately we've mostly been battling the chicken pox. My poor beautiful Beau has had some absolute corkers and is now one big scabby mess where they're healing up. A few days after Beau came down with the poxy pox, I came down with Tonsillitis. That was all kinds of not fun. Let me tell you, being ill when you have young children to look after (one of whom is almost constantly attached to your breasts) is a whole new kind of misery. Luckily James and my mum were around to help me; I literally don't know how people do it if they don't have good help around. I noticed a lone spot on Ettie's leg yesterday and he has been super fussy (and wakeful at nighttime :o() so I'm just waiting to see if it blossoms into full blown pox to make it our three bad things. You know bad things always happen in three's don't you?
So this gorgeous muffin is 14 weeks old and is a real joy to be around. His favourite person in the world is his big brother...many a breastfeeding session is interrupted by Ettie hearing Beau and then pulling off to crane his head and see what his crazy big bro is up to...then come the smiles. He always beams the biggest most beautiful whole face smiles for that curly haired one. It's the absolute best thing to watch. Beau loves him just as much too, and tells Ettie all the time how sweet and beautiful he is before plastering his fat little cheeks with kisses. Oh these boys...be still my beating heart
It's not all fun and games though. Having two children is somehow 50 times harder than just having one. I'm so tired it actually hurts, which often leads to me collapsing in a grumpy tearful heap by the end of the day (or at 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6:30am on nights like last night). I do have the added stress of mine & James' unconventional living situation, and with no idea when that is likely to change, my stress and anxiety levels are pretty bad at the moment. I try to take it one day at a time and I'm lucky that I have some good friends and family to have a moan to when I need to. My GP and health visitor are also both keeping a close eye on me which is reassuring, even if it does make me feel a little self conscious at times.
The other morning after a particularly stressful few days, Ettie and I sat down, put some Stevie Wonder on and had ourselves a little dance party. I sang, we held hands and danced, and Ettie smiled big beaming smiles up at me, I think he loves Stevie as much as I do. If ever you're feeling like the world is getting on top of you, I highly recommend putting a little fat baby atop your lap and having a boogie to some feel good music...it isn't likely to answer all your problems long term, but it sure as heck will make you feel a little better for a while at least.
This weekend is Easter and we're off to spend it in The New Forest with my family (above is my wonderful dad with my wonderful boys) so hopefully with many hands around to entertain my little ones, I'll get some decent R&R and come back feeling a little better and a little brighter :o)
Until next time x
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