Things have been a little crazy around here lately. Things have happened, other things very much haven't happened, you know, the usual shit.
Something awesome which HAS happened is that this scrummy little monster came into the world, fresh from my sister's uterus no less! He arrived about an hour after his due date pulled on it's night clothes and went to bed, so close! I got to go up to the hospital that evening and meet the gorgeous boy. We had snuggles and got the measure of one another while my mum helped my sister have her first post-delivery shower. I told him all about his family and how beautiful he was, he peed all over my leg. I think it was a fair game. Anyway, his name is Kit Robert, he weighed 8lbs 5oz and has a rather large head. He has already pretty much outgrown newborn size clothes which just fills me with fear as I have a drawer packed full of newborn clothes upstairs for my baby and if it's anything like Beau, he's gonna be a biggun'. Beau weighed 9lbs 7oz and I honestly can't remember how long he was in newborn size for...I have a feeling that I'm going to be eBaying a whole load of stuff within the first week of my baby boy being here! And man I've got some cute stuff for him...hello Vertbaudet...where have you been all my life (as a mother)??
Other than falling in love with my new nephew, I've mostly been knitting like an absolute crazy lady...look
Gloves for mums, hats and cardigans (which don't button up right...look at those out of sync stribes goddamnit) for babies, other hats for toddlers, dresses for other toddlers, snuggle bags and teddy bears for other's crazy I tell you. I've loved knitting since I first picked up the needles again after Beau was born but just lately it has been all that has kept me sane. If I don't have at least two projects on the go and do at least an hour a day (sometimes 6!!) I think I would go mad. I've taken a couple of commissions from friends (like the pink pinafore dress you see above) and so although my hourly rate would work out to approximately sweet FA, I am making a tiny bit of pocket money from it now and then which is nice. I have a fat stash of yarn which I am trying to work my way through and not allowing myself to buy any more (haha, yeah right) until I have used a good chunk of what I already have. To be fair I have been doing quite well and the stash is veeeeerrrryy sloooooowwllyy going down, ball by ball. Some of the patterns I've made up as I've gone along (like the pinafore dress and most of the hats) so I'm also trying to take as detailed notes as possible as I go so that at some point in the future I can write them up real nice and sell them to the good folk who wanna buy no takers? You just wait and see...Debbie Bliss I'm coming to get you :o)
The pregnancy is going well, I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow (single digits for the countdown...argh!), still got the SPD pains and they're getting worse which is all kinds of not fun. We went to look around Maidstone Birth Centre and Crowborough Birth Centre last week. Totally fell head over heels in love with Maidstone, really REALLY wish it wasn't a 40, potentially 60 minute drive away :o( I wasn't nearly as keen on Crowborough unfortunately, as thats only a 20 minute drive away. At maidstone you get your own double bed in an en-suite room after you Crowborough you get a hospital style bed, potentially in a dorm style room and with a shared bathroom. The two just didn't compare really, and I think I would rather be in Pembury hospital than Crowborough. At least you get your own en suite room at Pembury. I just need to decide whether or not I can face the journey to Maidstone in the throws of labour...and whether I'll even have enough time to get there! I think what I'll probably do is book in at Maidstone, see how I feel on the day it all happens and then if I can't face it then we'll head up the road to Pembury. Watch this space.
Anyway, here's me in my undies at 30 weeks pregnant (I really need to put a photo in that spare frame on the wall)...until next time lovers x
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