I have a fairly annoying case of SPD now too, which I guess will stick around until the end of the pregnancy. I know people have it much worse than me, so I'm trying not to moan about it too much. I just need to be careful not to aggravate it but having a rowdy very nearly 3 year old in tow most of the time, that's pretty hard. Speaking of which, Beau is just so full on at the moment. We're going through a really difficult phase and I'd be lying if I said it isn't getting to me. He has always been a very passionate child, in both loving and frustrated ways. For example, since before he could even talk, he would often grab your face to give you a kiss and as soon as tantrums started kicking in, they came pretty hard and fast. But just lately the anger seems to have got much worse and more frequent, and I've consulted the health visitor to see what she makes of it. She's coming to see us next week, two days after Beau's third birthday, so I just hope she has some good advice for me.
Pregnancy in general is going well though. One symptom which nobody ever seems to talk about (with good reason) is the oh so disgusting EWCM. Now if you've ever actively tried to get pregnant, you'll probably know exactly what I'm talking about. If you don't, maybe skip this part and consider yourself lucky. Well let me be the one to say it: when you're pregnant, you get EWCM e v e r y b l o o d y d a y. It's truly gross. I thought it would go at some point but here we are, week 25 and it's still here. My sister is nearly 37 weeks and she reliably informs me she still has it by the truck load so I guess it's here to stay till the bitter end, like the SPD. Fun!
In other news, here is a rather cute photo of Beau & Ivy at the steam railway last weekend. James & Jim took them there while I drove me & Becs up to London to see our friend Will, his wife Kim and their new baby Arthur. Arthur was wearing the knitted nappy cover and booties I made him and I'm delighted that Kim absolutely loved them. She said her mum was there when they arrived in the post and she was super impressed and remarked that I hadn't dropped a single stitch. I like getting compliments on my knitting :o)
On our way back from London we took a little detour to Bluewater just for a tray of Krispy Kreme doughnuts...that is a pregnant woman's prerogative if ever I heard it.
And just to finish up, here is what bedtime looks like for me at the moment. Beau has taken to sleeping in my bed a lot lately wince James is away during the week. I love having him there but boy does he like to kick the crap out of me. And Kiehl's midnight recovery oil: heaven in a tiny glass bottle. If you haven't tried it, do.
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