The last couple of weeks have been pretty manic!
You see, James started a new job just over two weeks ago which means he has to stay in Oxford from Monday to Friday, so for the weekdays at least, I'm single parenting it. I'm actually quite enjoying it so far, in a weird way. Although obviously it's tough, it has made me a lot more motivated and I'm finding that the house is a lot tidier and things tend the get done much quicker. When James is around, there's always the half expectation that he will do the chores too, which means I am only half motivated to do it, and usually end up getting annoyed when he doesn't do something and I then have to. But when you only have yourself to rely on, you just get on and do things because you know that's the only way. I'm more on top of my washing basket than I've ever been, the washing up gets done progressively throughout the day, and Beau's bedtime routine is much more streamlined than it has ever been.
Don't get me wrong, it has it's downsides too. Beau obviously misses James and when he's pissed at me for something, there is nobody to turn to for backup. Also some chores just suck a little bit, like taking the stinky bins out which happens to fall on the one night I get home late from work. Also what with being pregnant, I'm a teensy bit emotional right now and things probably get to me more than they otherwise would. Case in point: This morning I cried hysterically because I couldn't find my underwear which I swore was drying on a clothes rack in the dining room. I still can't find the sodding underwear, and James swears he hasn't moved it, so either I am going mad or somebody has broken into my house and stolen only my clean knickers off of the rack...I'll let you decide which of those two you think it is...
But generally it's going well. I'm very comfortable with my own company and haven't felt lonely at all. I can watch whatever crappy TV I like of an evening, and I have been getting some serious knitting done once all my chores are out the way!
So far, so good! And I guess because I'm so busy, I haven't had much time to miss James either. If anything, I think it's harder for him than it is for me because he goes home to a lonely hotel room with nothing to do but work more or think about what he's missing back home with us. I feel for him in that sense, it must be very lonely. He's hoping to move into a house share soon so at least he can prepare his own meals and get a bit more settled. We talk or skype every night before Beau goes to bed and the weekend is here before we know it and he's home for 3 nights. It's really not so bad.
Anyway, I've been wanting to do a blog post for weeks now as mum and I visited Lewes again at the end of June and I have so much to say and so many photos to share. I promise myself I will get that done before the end of this weekend. But for now, I'm off to make dinner for me and the little one. Then it's bath time, milk time, story time, bedtime, washing up time, tidy the house time, feed the cats time, knitting time and finally bedtime for me. Oh and my lovely mum is coming round at some point for a cornetto and to watch some crappy TV with me :o)
Au revoir amigos!
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