Wednesday, 26 February 2014


This is just a photo dump post, for the pure fact that I came across this album on my computer from summer 2012 and there are a ton of super nice photos which I had totally forgotten about in there. Where better to share them than on the interwebs with a few people who I've probably never met in my life?! Feel free to correct me on that :o)

everyone loves getting their nose bitten by a gummy baby bear

Beau has suffered from infantile acne from pretty much day one. It's much better now than it used to be. Look at his poor cheeks :o(

get a load of those chubby arms and hands, oh my

What a great photo, ruined by my awful photography skills, Nice one Katie!

Getting an ear grabbing from his cousin Ivy

Can you tell I had just got my DSLR and was playing around with the aperture?!

My sister Becs and Ivy

you're so vain...

I know I'm biased, by there's no denying, he is one scrummy baby boy that we made. I can't wait until I get a chance to make another one.


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