Sunday, 2 February 2014


Sunday evening... sucks eh? 

I usually don't mind Sunday evenings too much as Monday is usually my free day where it's just me and the Beausy boy and sometimes I can convince him to go back to sleep for an hour or so once he has had his milk at 7ish. But tomorrow Ivy is coming round before 8am as her daddy is off skiing, the lucky bugger. So it's up early with no lie in for me tomorrow, I've been robbed, robbed I tell you. 

But it's not all bad, look how cute they can be! I took these photos last week when the babies (I wonder if we will ever stop calling them that...nope I don't think so) snuggled up next to each other on the sofa. I cunningly turned what could have become another argument (Beau interrupted Ivy chilling out watching Tangled) in a fun "lets pretend we're having a sleep over" game by throwing the cowboy blanket over them, and they found it so hilarious. In the first one they're pretending to be asleep. That lasted about a second before they both just cracked up laughing. I just love that middle photo of them! They argue A LOT at the moment but these moments make me remember just how cute they can be together too.

Mums of toddlers, tell me: does your toddler just want to watch the same films  o v e r  a n d  o v e r  a g a i n ?? These two are obsessed with Tangled and Madagascar 3 and I'm not kidding, we watch them both at least once every. day. They go through phases. It started off with Rio (which Beau calls "Birdies") ((great film by the way, I didn't mind watching that all day long)) then it has been Aladdin, Second Star From The Left (which Beau calls "Man Rabbit") and Beauty and The Beast (which Beau calls "Baby cuppa tea"). I love his renaming of films. I think he just picks out his favourite feature in a film and names it that. Baby cuppa tea is my absolute favourite. Obviously he is referring to Chip and the first time he said it, I all but died off the cuteness overload...just imagine it "Mummy, we watch baby cuppa tea now". I have to record him saying it for you, it's too wonderful. 

Anyhoo, I digress. We went out for a drive yesterday afternoon to get him to sleep (I know I'm making a rod for my own back but he will not sleep at home during the day and I'm too lazy/allergic to the cold to go out for a walk ;o)) so we get in the car and he asks for a treat. I say to him "if you close your eyes and have a sleep then you can have a treat when you wake up" want to see the face he made to show me that apparently he was closing his eyes and going to sleep? Here it is people:

and he tells me "I'm asleep now mummy, look". The cheeky little monkey, he did make me laugh though. Nice try buster! Eventually he did go to sleep and I just had to record a little video of the extreme snot noises coming from him. We are both totally full of cold at the moment and because he doesn't really get the concept of blowing his nose, he just rattles with it and it grosses me out so much. Have a listen (oh, and you're welcome)

Sorry about that...

And because I am a woman of my word (and a greedy bloater) we did indeed get a treat for when he woke up. We went to my favourite Gill Wing Farm Shop and bought a couple of slices of their sugar free, gluten free, chocolate truffle cake. It's made with beetroot and a natural sweet something or other so it's kiiiiiind of healthy. It was good, but SO rich!

If you're local to Tunbridge Wells, you really need to check out Gill Wing if you haven't already. It's in Eridge and is well worth the drive. I'm going to do a whole post on them soon so I'll leave it there for now but check it out.

And one last thing: this morning Beau decided to give our cat Mia some treats. Now as a brief background, Beau and Mia are not friends. Mia is the sweetest cat you could ever imagine but Beau scares the shit out of her, just by existing. She likes a quiet life and Beau and quiet don't go together all that often. If they do, I worry. So here is the cutest video of him trying to entice her to him with some treats, and putting on the sweetest "for animals" voice. You know, that high pitched, slightly silly voice we put on when talking to our pets (and our babies actually). She actually did end up coming and eating them so maybe, just maybe their relationship is salvageable...if he keeps bringing her food :o)

I put this on instagram already so apologies if you've already seen it, I'm repetitive like that.

Happy Sunday y'all, have a great week!


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